13:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT FIVE 57. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 89 INT. JEM'HADAR SHIP - COMMAND CENTER - DAY (OPTICAL) Moments later. The melting goo on the ceiling suddenly MORPHS into a HALF-FORMED CREATURE -- almost as if the changeling were trying to form itself into several shapes at once. With a-frightening ROAR, the creature lashes out at Dax. Sisko pushes Dax out of harm's way and rolls to his side, aiming his phaser at the creature. Sisko is about to blast the creature -- when he realizes the changeling can't maintain its form. Sisko and Dax watch the creature as it MORPHS back to its watery, gelatinous goo. 90 ANGLE ON Sisko and Dax lowering their weapons. DAX (off her tricorder) It can't hold its shape. It's dying. SISKO Then we're in trouble. (off her look) This is what the Vorta's been looking for. A Founder. No wonder the Jem'Hadar wouldn't attack. DAX They couldn't risk killing one of their gods. 91 ON THE CHANGELING (OPTICAL) As the gelatinous goo keeps CHURNING and VIBRATING, it begins EMITTING a piercing, low-toned, ominous HUM, like the keen of a whale. 92 EXT. ROCK PLANET - JEM'HADAR SHIP - DAY The HUMMING SOUND echoes as Kilana and three Jem'Hadar warriors stand listening intently to it.