DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT FOUR 50. 74 CONTINUED: SISKO (hard) You're Starfleet officers. Now start acting like it. Worf lets go of O'Brien. Both men let their passions cool in the face of Sisko's fury. A tense moment. Dax tries to break it with: DAX Tough guys... a little pressure and they buckle. SISKO (sharp) Dax! Maybe you haven't noticed, but no one's laughing. Dax instantly realizes she's gone one step over the line. Sisko glowers at his troops. They all look chastened. ANOTHER EXPLOSION. SISKO I know it's hot. We're filthy. Tired. And we've got ten isotons of explosives going off outside... but we're never going to get out of this if we don't pull it together and act like professionals. Muniz lets out a YELL, still lost in his delirium. Sisko has to close his eyes while straining to not snap at the hallucinating crewman. This is a test of his own patience and professionalism. SISKO (a beat) Chief, I want that power grid up and running. O'BRIEN Aye, sir. SISKO Worf, see if you can get that turret to rotate. WORF Aye, sir. SISKO Dax, search the ship again... and again and again until you find what the Vorta wants.