178:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT FOUR 49. 74 ANGLE ON WORF AND O'BRIEN as O'Brien checks over the computer console, Worf looks back at Muniz who is MUMBLING feverishly. WORF That is no way for anyone to die. O'BRIEN I told you -- he's not going to die. WORF (adamant) It is only a matter of time. ANOTHER EXPLOSION. O'BRIEN (sarcastic) So we might as well kill him, right? WORF If you are truly his friend, you would consider that option. It would be a more honorable death than the one he is enduring. O'BRIEN I'm not some bloodthirsty Klingon looking for an excuse to murder my friend. Sisko calls out -- SISKO That's enough. But both Worf's and O'Brien's blood is boiling too high to stop. WORF No, you're just another weak human, afraid to face death. O'Brien takes a SWING at Worf. Worf blocks the punch easily, catching O'Brien's fist and twisting his arm behind him. Worf bares his teeth with a GROWL. SISKO (loud as hell) I said, that's enough! Sisko steps between the two men and physically separates them.