DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT THREE 40. 60 CONTINUED: Sisko pats his brow with a wet cloth. MUNIZ It's so cold here... Muniz starts shaking uncontrollably. SISKO Easy now... Suddenly the ship's communicator CHIRPS again. KILANA'S VOICE Captain Sisko. Sisko continues comforting Muniz, ignoring the Vorta's call. KILANA'S VOICE Captain... you're annoyed with me. I understand. You feel betrayed. And with good reason. O'Brien ENTERS and steps up to Muniz, silently indicating to the Captain that he can take over for a moment. KILANA'S VOICE But I really think we should talk. Sisko doesn't respond. KILANA'S VOICE If it will make you feel better, I'll come unarmed and without an escort. (making it tempting) But I won't hold you to the same restrictions. 61 EXT. ROCK PLANET - JEM'HADAR SHIP - DAY (OPTICAL) Sisko holds a weapon pointed on Kilana. She now shows other sides to her very complicated self. In addition to the "innocent charmer," she now appears contrite and down-to-business. SISKO You have something to say... say it.