112:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT THREE 39. 59 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN Keep that to yourself. I don't want him to hear that kind of talk. WORF It does no good to shield him from the truth. Let him prepare for death. O'BRIEN The hell I will! His only hope is to keep fighting -- if he gives up, it's over. WORF It was over the moment he was shot by the Jem'Hadar. O'Brien is getting really hot -- he takes a step toward Worf. O'BRIEN You listen to me (pointing a finger in Worf's chest) that boy's life is in our hands and I won't let anybody give up on him. O'Brien is in Worf's face, staring at him intently. Worf's eyes narrow a bit, but he holds his temper. WORF (low) Step... back. There's a long beat. Finally, O'Brien takes a smart military step backward, letting Worf know that he's not really backing down completely. Dax zips in -- DAX Worf, what do you say we go take a look at the ion exchange matrix we found... and maybe on the way we can discuss some of the finer points of diplomacy. Dax leads Worf away, allowing O'Brien to cool down and get back to work. 60 INT. JEM'HADAR SHIP - COMMAND CENTER - DAY Muniz is getting worse by the moment. He's now sweating buckets and shivering with a high fever.