DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT ONE 14. 20 CONTINUED: DAX I wonder if this is what all Jem'Hadar ships are like? SISKO The bigger question is -- what's a Jem'Hadar ship doing all the way out here? We're at least three weeks from the nearest Dominion outpost. There's no answer to that. Muniz ENTERS, having completed their mission. They step up to Sisko. MUNIZ Twenty-nine other bodies -- no survivors. Sisko nods, thinks for a moment and turns to O'Brien. SISKO Can we use the runabout's tractor beam to haul this thing into orbit? Everyone exchanges surprised looks -- they weren't expecting that question. SISKO This is the greatest intelligence find in the last ten years. We're not going to leave it here to rust. What do you say, Chief? O'Brien looks around, thinking over the possibilities -- it's a big undertaking. O'BRIEN We're not going to haul it out with a runabout. Sisko smiles. SISKO Then we need something with a little more muscle. 21 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) (STOCK) Establishing, favoring the Defiant.