DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29-/96 - ACT ONE 12. 18 INT. JEM'HADAR SHIP - COMMAND CENTER - DAY Shafts of light from the palm beacons dance through the floor hatch (which normally functions as a ceiling hatch). O'Brien is the first to emerge, leading the others into what we will come to know as the "Command Center." O'Brien take a few steps into the room when his light comes upon a grisly sight -- the upside down FACE OF A JEM'HADAR SOLDIER hanging like a dead bat. Startled, O'Brien is about to open fire on the Jem'Hadar soldier before he realizes that the soldier is already dead -- his face frozen in agony. Sisko and the others scan the room with their light beacons to discover SEVERAL OTHER DEAD JEM'HADAR SOLDIERS hanging from the ceiling, suspended by odd- looking plasma conduits that are strapped to their feet and run up to their bodies. A few OTHER JEM'HADAR SOLDIERS are sprawled on the ground -- including a female VORTA -- all with the same expression of agony. Sisko and the others examine the inverted room: the Command Center of the ship and its configuration is unlike anything we've seen before. There is no viewscreen. No chairs. No creature comforts of any kind. Instead of the usual Captain's Chair, there is a central "position" with several sophisticated gadgets protruding from the floor and ceiling. The other "positions," or stations, are all pointed inward -- toward the central position -- in such a way that anybody manning those stations would face the central position. There are three side doors and two floor hatches leading to other parts of the ship. SISKO (pointing at one of the doors) Muniz. Muniz nods and cautiously EXITS through the door.