DEEP SPACE NINE: "Apocalypse... " - REV. 07/19/96 - ACT FIVE 50. 107 CONTINUED: MARTOK (Cont'd) (a beat) Or did you really think you could fool us into believing that Chancellor Gowron was a Dominion spy? ODO "Gowron" is the one who's fooling you. And as long as you follow him, the Empire will be nothing but a pawn of the Founders. But Martok explodes with righteous indignation. MARTOK Where is your proof? WORF You want proof? Take our polaron emitters and use them on Gowron. MARTOK Gowron had your equipment destroyed. O'BRIEN Of course he did. He had to make sure he couldn't be tested. MARTOK (to Sisko) Your mission was a failure, Captain. And for that, you deserve to die. Sisko is starting to realize that there's more to Martok's rant than he first thought. SISKO Would you be happier if we'd succeeded? Martok backtracks. He's said more than he wanted to. MARTOK (insistent) I'm a loyal officer of the Empire. Sisko realizes what's fueling Martok's anger.