139:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Apocalypse... " - REV. 07/19/96 - ACT FOUR 43. 82 CONTINUED: TOWERING KLINGON Found what? WORF It's a tinghamut. TOWERING KLINGON A what? WORF A Vulcan toy. For children. Odo catches on and joins in on the bluff. ODO The spoils of war. From the raid on Archanis. WORF If you want one, you'll have to find your own. The Towering Klingon doesn't seem comfortable with the thought that he's holding a children's toy. He does not protest when Worf takes it from him. Just then, the sound of massive bass drumming fills the air. It's the Klingon equivalent of "Hail to the Chief." The Towering Klingon immediately looks off to the sound of the drums. once he's no longer paying attention to them, Worf hands the emitter to Odo. WORF Here. Give it to your son. ODO I'll make sure he gets it. They part ways just as the drumming reaches a crescendo and... 83 ANGLE ON THE DOOR As GOWRON ENTERS, wearing his cape, and escorted by two Yan-Isleth. The assembled Klingons, now rejuvenated by adrenaline, jump to their feet, cheering and waving their Bat'leths in the air.