DEEP SPACE NINE: "Apocalypse... " - REV. 07/19/96 - ACT TWO 24. 33 CONTINUED: ODO I really don't see the point... WORF (belligerent) Don't look away from me. I called you a dung beetle. ODO I heard you. WORF And what is your response? ODO (sarcastic) You should have your eyes checked. O'Brien chokes back a laugh. Worf glares at O'Brien. WORF This is not going to work. It is not enough to look like a Klingon, one must act like one. (turns to Sisko) Perhaps it would be better if I went by my... To everyone's surprise, Sisko backhands Worf across the face. SISKO (with Klingon anger) Are you questioning the validity of my plan? Whatever anger crosses Worf's face is almost immediately replaced by a look of respect. WORF Very convincing, Captain. But was it your intention to challenge me to a battle to the death? Sisko looks surprised. SISKO Not at all. WORF Then next time do not strike me with the back of your hand. Use your fist.