106:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Apocalypse... " - REV. 07/19/96 - ACT TWO 20. 30 CONTINUED: DAMAR Personally, I think we'd be better off launching an orbital assault on Gowron's Command Center. A full spread of photon torpedoes would take care of him, the Klingon High Command and everyone else within a few hundred kilometers. Odo looks at him with distaste. ODO You should ask Dukat for some shore leave. I think you've been in space too long. DAMAR Why? Because I'm willing to spill a little Klingon blood to get the job done? O'BRIEN Shelling Ty'Gokor won't get the job done. You'd be lucky to launch one torpedo before they shot you down. And even a dozen wouldn't penetrate the shielding around the command center. SISKO (cutting off the debate) Thank you for the input, Mister Damar, but we'll stick to our original plan. (to Dukat) Are you making any progress on our Klingon identity files? DUKAT Don't worry, Captain, by the time we get to Ty'Gokor, we'll have something suitably impressive to plant in their central computer system. WORF Our names must be added to the list of candidates for the Order of the Bat'leth.