DEEP SPACE NINE: "Broken... " - REV. 04/19/96 - ACT FIVE 54B. 81A CONTINUED: ODO It's fine. Though it does make me a little... Odo doesn't have a word for what he's feeling, but he scratches his arm. GARAK (helpful) Itchy? Odo nods. GARAK That's the Inkarian Wool. You'll get used to it. Odo suddenly starts rubbing his stomach. GARAK Unless of course you're allergic to Inkarian Wool. ODO It's not the uniform. (disgusted with himself) I think I'm hungry. GARAK You know, I envy you. Think of all the wonderful foods you'll get to enjoy for the first time. ODO (not enthused) I can hardly wait. (a beat) Well, you've done your job. Now I have to do mine. Garak looks around the shop for one last time. GARAK I suppose you do. (musing) Six months in a holding cell. The thought is... unattractive, to say the least. ODO If you ask me, Captain Sisko let you off lightly. Sabotage, assaulting a Federation officer attempting to incite a war between the Federation and the Dominion...