13:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Broken ... "- REV. 04/19/96 - ACT FIVE 49. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 65 EXT. ATOLL - DAY (OPTICAL) Close on Sisko and Bashir as they wait, staring out at the Shape-shifter Sea. They've been here awhile. Bashir is sitting, tossing a small stone up and down in the air. Sisko is pacing around. BASHIR How long's it been? Sisko's not sure. SISKO I've lost track. BASHIR So have I. Bashir cocks his arm back to toss his stone into the sea. Sisko notices just in time. SISKO (a gentle reminder) Doctor. Bashir realizes what he was about to do. He looks at the stone. BASHIR Oh. Right. He places the stone back on the ground. As they continue to wait, we... CUT TO: 66 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Defiant is in orbit of a cloud-wrapped, alien- looking world with no discernable land mass, just swirling goo-colored seas. 67 INT. DEFIANT - CORRIDOR Close on Worf as he strides grimly down the corridor, flanked by two armed Security Officers. Something's ticked him off, and it shows. He looks ready to take on an entire battalion of Jem'Hadar warriors.