69:[1,#b],77:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Broken... " - REV. 04/19/96 - ACT FOUR 43. 49 CONTINUED: GARAK That's right. And on behalf of my people, I'd like to learn if there were any survivors after our attack on... The Female Shape-shifter turns to Garak. She's still cool, but somewhat more forceful than usual. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Cardassian survivors? GARAK Yes. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER There were no Cardassian survivors. GARAK You mean, they're all dead? FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Thev're dead, you're dead, Cardassia is dead. Your people were doomed the moment they attacked us. (with contempt) I believe that answers your question. As far as she's concerned, that's the final word on the subject. A look of cold fury crosses Garak's face. Gone is the good-natured tailor and for a moment we see the cold-blooded killer behind the mask. For a second, it looks like Garak is going to do something rash, but then we actually see him put back on his mask of affability. GARAK (to the Female Shape-shifter) It's been a pleasure meeting you. The Female Shape-shifter turns and walks away. 50 CLOSE ON GARAK Alone in the corridor, plotting his next move.