DEEP SPACE NINE: "Broken... " - REV. 04/19/96 - ACT TWO 27. 32 INT. DEFIANT - MEDICAL BAY (OPTICAL) A re-dress of the mess hall. Odo is lying in a Starfleet-style medical bed with the same kind of side modifications as the one in the Infirmary. Bashir is monitoring his vital signs and though Odo is still weak, his attention is definitely focused on Garak, who's seated beside him. GARAK Ah, yes. The Assassination of Proconsul Merrok of Romulus. Such a tragedy. (with fondness) I met him once, a few weeks before he died. I was working as a gardener at the Cardassian embassy. ODO You were a gardener on Romulus? GARAK My specialty was Edosian Orchids. Beautiful yet highly toxic. ODO (getting suspicious) As I recall, Proconsul Merrok was poisoned. GARAK Funny, I don't remember that. But then again so many Romulan dignitaries died unexpectedly that year. BASHIR It must be hard to keep them all straight. GARAK You can't imagine. BASHIR Maybe we should let the Constable get some rest. But Odo's too interested in Garak to want peace and quiet. ODO I'll let you know when I need rest, Doctor.