DEEP SPACE NINE: "Broken... " - REV. 04/19/96 - ACT TWO 23. 27 CONTINUED: Garak senses that his argument has not proved persuasive and tries another tack. GARAK Besides, if you do take me along, I think you'll find me quite useful. I'm a man of many talents. SISKO I don't have much need for a tailor on this mission... let alone a spy. Sisko studies Garak thoughtfully. An idea occurs to him. SISKO But maybe there is something you can do for me. (off Garak's reaction) This won't be an easy trip for Odo. He'll need someone to occupy his attention, take his mind off his condition. GARAK You want me to keep him company? SISKO No. Anyone could do that. Dax, Bashir, myself. But what would we have to offer him? Kindness? Sympathy? That's the last thing he wants. GARAK (with pride) But where you offer kindness, I offer mystery. Where you offer sympathy, I offer intrigue.