DEEP SPACE NINE: "Broken... " - REV. 04/19/96 - ACT TWO 22. 27 NEW ANGLE As Sisko ENTERS the Mess Hall. GARAK Captain. How good of you to see me. SISKO Make it brief, Garak. GARAK I'd like to accompany you on your mission. (off Sisko's reaction) I have some questions I'd like to ask them. SISKO Such as? GARAK The Cardassian Empire lost a number of ships during their aborted attack on the Dominion. I want to know what happened to the crewmembers. SISKO I was under the impression that those ships were destroyed with all hands. GARAK We don't know that for a fact. As I recall, when the Defiant left the scene of the battle, a number of Cardassian warships were still fighting. SISKO And you think some of their crewmembers might've been taken prisoner? GARAK I live in hope.