DEEP SPACE NINE: "Broken... " - REV. 04/19/96 - ACT TWO 19. 22 CONTINUED: (2) ODO (Cont'd) The only ones who can help me now... are the Founders. Bashir wishes he had a better solution, but he doesn't. 23 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Sisko is meeting with Kira and Bashir to discuss their options. SISKO Once we enter the Gamma Quadrant, we'll begin transmitting a subspace signal explaining the purpose of our mission. Then we'll enter Dominion space and try to locate the Founders' new homeworld. KIRA Odo's only got a few weeks at best. What makes you think we can find his people in time? BASHIR (wryly) If we go into Dominion space without cloaking, we'll get their attention. SISKO You can be sure of that. KIRA I'd like to come along. SISKO I don't think so, major. (before she can object) I know Odo's your friend, but I need you here. Besides... She sneezes. KIRA Yeah. I know, I know. (a beat) When do you leave?