DEEP SPACE NINE: "Broken... " - REV. 04/19/96 - ACT ONE 15. 15 CLOSE ON ODO As he peruses the report. Suddenly something catches his eye and he sits up in bed. CUT TO: 16 INT. CARGO BAY The Boslic freighter captain (RIONOJ) is supervising her men as they load crates onto her ship. RIONOJ Keep moving. I'll feel a lot better once we're off this station. ODO (O.S.) Too bad. Because you're not leaving. 17 NEW ANGLE As Rionoj turns and sees Odo ENTERING the Cargo Bay. Rionoj knows why Odo's there, but she tries to feign ignorance. RIONOJ Security Chief Odo. I heard you were indisposed. ODO You heard wrong. Now, you and I need to talk about those missing Falangian Diamonds. RIONOJ I told you before, I don't know anything about them.