DEEP SPACE NINE: "Broken Link" - 04/08/96 - ACT ONE 12-14. 10 CONTINUED: This information doesn't cheer Odo up. Right now he just wants to be left alone. ODO To be honest, major, I don't really feel like company right now. Kira doesn't take it personally. KIRA I didn't plan on staying. (holds out a PADD) I came to give you this. Odo looks at the PADD and for the first time, he brightens. ODO Today's criminal activities report? KIRA I figured you might be getting tired of staring at medical consoles all day. Odo smiles and immediately starts reading the reports. ODO That was very... thoughtful of you, major. KIRA If there's anything else you need, let me know. Odo nods, engrossed in the report. ODO I'll do that. Kira looks at Odo for a beat. She's worried about him, but it's good to see him active. She smiles and EXITS. 11 thru OMITTED 14