DEEP SPACE NINE: "Body Parts" - REV. 04/08/96 - ACT FIVE 55. 38 CONTINUED: (3) ODO Where would you like this, Captain? SISKO There are three levels, Constable. Use them all. ODO Understood. Odo leads his crews into Quark's and they start moving furniture into the bar. Quark has to step out of the way of the incoming furniture, then puts his foot down: QUARK Captain -- you can't do this! Everyone stops, turns to look at Quark. Quark looks around at all the faces of his friends that have come to help him in his time of need... he reconsiders his position. QUARK Not without paying a storage fee. (a beat) A minimal storage fee. Practically nothing. SISKO (smiles) Send me a bill. Quark's dignity restored, he takes charge: QUARK All right. (to Odo) Well, don't just stand there, Odo. Move it all in. And as everyone continues to move in the furniture, Bashir and Dax start unpacking the liquor and glasses. 39 NEW ANGLE to see Rom approach Quark. In the b.g., Morn ENTERS, carrying in a barstool; he places the stool at his "usual spot," and then sits on it. The steady stream of people bringing in furniture, lamps, stools, etc. ROM (proud and pleased) Look at them, brother. And you thought you had no assets.