DEEP SPACE NINE: "Body Parts" - REV. 04/08/96 - ACT FIVE 54. 38 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK Nice try, Doctor. But I don't want your charity. BASHIR It's not charity. I find this undrinkable. Now do you want it or should I dump it? DAX (O.S.) Quark. Quark turns to see Dax ENTER with a box of glassware. DAX My sister sent me these. I thought you might want them. They're really ugly. Rom picks up a glass. ROM They're not as ugly as the old ones, but they're pretty bad. QUARK This is all very amusing, but I can't start a bar with a case of bad brandy and a set of ugly glasses. SISKO (O.S.) Quark! Quark looks to see Sisko approaching. QUARK Yes, captain? SISKO We're doing some structural repair work on level two of the Habitat Ring. We need a place to store some extra furniture for the next few months and it looks like you have the room... Odo is directing a few N.D.s who are carrying lamps, chairs, tables, etc.