DEEP SPACE NINE: "Body Parts" - REV. 04/08/96 - ACT FIVE 51. 36 CONTINUED: KEIKO Would you like to see your room? KIRA Sure. They lead her to a bedroom door. 37 INT. O'BRIENS' QUARTERS - KIRA'S NEW BEDROOM The O'Briens have decorated the room with flowers and have installed a Bajoran shrine in one corner. Kira walks in and smiles at the thoughtfulness of the shrine. There's a slight, awkward moment which Keiko breaks by stepping up to Kira and hugging her. KEIKO Welcome to your new home. KIRA At least until the baby's born. O'Brien smiles in support and agreement. Molly comes in and goes to Kira. MOLLY Are you my aunt? KIRA (looking at the O'Briens for help) Well... Keiko and O'Brien nod and smile. O'BRIEN Sounds right to me. KIRA (then nodding, to Molly) Aunt Nerys.