DEEP SPACE NINE: "Body Parts" - REV. 04/08/96 - ACT FIVE 47. 31 CONTINUED: (5) BRUNT I'm here to remind you of the consequences of disregarding the Rules. Poverty, destitution, exile... QUARK I know, I know. But look -- Gint himself has come to me in a vision. He's telling me to break the contract. BRUNT That is not Gint. Gint was a lot taller. Gint straightens up a little, slightly insulted. BRUNT (to Quark) Listen to that fraud and you'll regret it for the rest of your miserable life. Gint lifts his staff with menace. GINT (to Quark, re: Brunt) I say we kill him, right now. BRUNT This is a dream. You can't kill me. (standing up and moving over to Quark, menacingly) However, people have been known to die in their sleep. Brunt advances against Quark, who backs away and looks toward Gint for help. QUARK Come on Rom... Gint... whatever your name is -- help me! GINT (sorry) He's got a point, Quark. It's a dream... I can't really do anything. Quark is now backed up against the wall. Brunt grabs Quark by the neck and starts CHOKING him.