DEEP SPACE NINE: "Body Parts" - REV. 04/08/96 - ACT FIVE 45. 31 CONTINUED: (2) GINT Don't blame me for your limited imagination. Now, I'll make it simple. You have to break the contract with Brunt. QUARK You gotta be joking. You're Gint. You wrote the Rules of Acquisition. The sacred precepts upon which all Ferengi society is based. You can't really expect me to break them. GINT Why not? They're just rules... they're written in a book, not carved in stone. And even if they were in stone, so what? A bunch of us just made them up. QUARK Are you saying they don't matter? GINT Of course they matter. That's why they're a best-seller... but we're talking about your life here. The Rules are nothing but guideposts, suggestions... QUARK Then why call them Rules? GINT Would you buy a book called "Suggestions of Acquisition"? Doesn't quite have the same ring to it, does it? QUARK You mean it was a marketing ploy?