DEEP SPACE NINE: "Body Parts" - REV. 04/08/96 - ACT FOUR 40. 26 CONTINUED: GARAK For a man who wants to kill himself, you seem strangely determined to live. QUARK I am going to die -- don't you worry about that. I just want to find the right way. I don't want to see it coming... or hear it... or smell it... or feel it. I just want to go on with my life until -- (snaps fingers) -- I'm dead. GARAK You want to be surprised. QUARK Exactly. I want to wake up in the Divine Treasury and have no idea how I got there. GARAK I see. Perhaps that can be arranged. QUARK Really, how? GARAK If I tell you, it won't be much of a surprise. Will it? QUARK That's true. All right. I leave it up to you. Garak gives Quark his most deadly look. GARAK You have my word... you'll never know what hit you. Garak holds his chilling stare for another beat, then EXITS. We HOLD ON Quark as he realizes he's signed his own death warrant. QUARK Computer. End program. The holosuite reality DISAPPEARS all around Quark. 27 INT. CORRIDOR Quark ENTERS from the turbolift. The corridor is empty. Now Quark can't help but look for Garak in every shadow.