84:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Body Parts" - REV. 04/08/96 - ACT TWO 18. 13 CONTINUED: Kira ENTERS. She has a big, warm smile for Keiko; she's here to lift Keiko's spirits and reassure her that everything will be all right. KIRA Hi. Keiko musters a smile in return. Kira approaches and sits on a corner of the bed. KIRA How you feeling? KEIKO Like I was hit by a ten ton rock. (rallying herself) Julian says I'll be on my feet tomorrow. How are you? KIRA Fine. (twinkle in her eye) Though I think I've put on a little weight. Keiko smiles. KEIKO You carry it well. And though Keiko is smiling, her eyes go down to stare at Kira's abdomen and there is an undeniable sadness in those eyes. KEIKO You know... what you're doing for me... for us... I don't know how to thank you. Kira takes Keiko's hand in hers.