DEEP SPACE NINE: "Body Parts" - REV. 04/08/96 - ACT TWO 16. 12 CONTINUED: (3) QUARK (sarcastic) By who... Morn? A few dabo girls? The monitor BEEPS. Rom quickly moves to the monitor. ROM (excited) Brother come here, quick. It's a bid. QUARK A bid? ROM A huge bid. Quark moves over with some skepticism, but his expression changes once he sees the bid. QUARK Five hundred bars of latinum... for the entire set. ROM That's ten thousand strips. QUARK Or one million slips. ROM That sounds even better. QUARK It doesn't say who the bidder is. ROM It's not me. QUARK No kidding. ROM You think it's Moogie? QUARK Maybe she'd buy one disk... but all fifty-two? No... she doesn't like me that much. (thinking) Who could it be. Who could afford to spend five hundred bars of latinum... on me.