DEEP SPACE NINE: "Body Parts" - REV. 04/08/96 - ACT ONE 9. 6 CONTINUED: (5) QUARK You really believe that? ROM Yes. QUARK You're a liar. But I love you. Quark lets himself be steered over to the monitor. He works the monitor for a moment; Ferengi graphics appear next to a picture of Quark. ROM Just wait... when you see how much your body is worth -- you're going to wish you'd died years ago. Quark pauses, looks at Rom for a beat. ROM (realizing that didn't come out quite right) or something like that... 7 INT. OPS SISKO ENTERS, headed for his office when Dax announces: DAX Something's coming through the wormhole. SISKO Onscreen. 8 ANGLE ON THE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) to see a badly damaged runabout emerge from the wormhole. 9 RESUME WORF (off his console) The Volga. It's been damaged. Doctor Bashir's requesting an emergency transport to the Infirmary. Two patients -- Major Kira and Keiko O'Brien. SISKO Do it. Sisko turns to O'Brien.