174:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Body Parts" - REV. 04/08/96 - ACT ONE 7A-8. 6 CONTINUED: (4) ROM You anticipated the change of administrations here on the station -- QUARK (with contempt) And as a reward, I'm inextricably linked to the Federation. I'm a joke back on Ferenginar. Starfleet's favorite bartender. The Synthehol King. (shudders) What a legacy. ROM You're not a joke here. You're a respected businessman... a pillar of the community... a man with many friends. QUARK Friends? Community? You sound like some sniveling Hew-mon. The only opinions I care about are those of my peers -- Ferengi businessmen. And in their eyes, I'm a second-rate, small-time operator... a loser. (a beat) Two days ago, I thought I had all the time in the world to achieve my dreams... to buy my own moon... marry a few women... maybe even rent some children... but now, it's all over. I'll never be rich... Rom won't let Quark run himself down like this. He leaps to his defense. ROM Stop it, brother! Stop it. You are somebody -- you'll see. You march right over to that com-link and offer your vacuum-desiccated remains for sale on the Futures Exchange. You'll see... bids will come flooding in from all over the Ferengi Alliance. Everyone will want a disk of Quark on their desk. In fact -- there may not be enough of you to meet the demand. Quark looks dubious.