DEEP SPACE NINE: "Body Parts" - REV. 04/08/96 - ACT ONE 6. 6 CONTINUED: (2) ROM (as it sinks in) You're going to die... QUARK That's right. And you know what that means? We have to settle my accounts. (thinking out loud) That gives me six days to take care of everything... my will... Moogie's pension... I've got to make funeral arrangements... pay off my debts... ROM (worried) That's a lot of debts, Brother. QUARK Yeah, but half are to Hew-mons, Bajorans... a couple of Klingons... ROM (continuing the list) The Tholians, the Dosi, the Romulans, the Cardassians -- QUARK (cuts him off) Forget those. The ones I need to pay off are the Ferengi debts. They're the only ones that really matter.