DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT FOUR 42. 57 INT. DEFIANT - CORRIDOR - ARMS LOCKER Close on O'Brien as he hands out phaser rifles to the Starfleet officers. (Dax and Worf aren't present, having already armed themselves. Odo's not there either. He doesn't use guns.) After the last Starfleet officer has been given a rifle, the Jem'Hadar line up to receive their weapons. Omet'iklan holds out his hand to receive a rifle. O'Brien hesitates. OMET'IKLAN I'm waiting. O'Brien looks over to Sisko, who stands nearby with Weyoun. Sisko nods, silently telling O'Brien to go ahead with it. O'Brien reluctantly gives Omet'iklan a rifle. Omet'iklan passes it back and it works its way down the line. O'Brien continues passing out rifles until all the Jem'Hadar are armed. Virak'kara examines his rifle. O'BRIEN Don't worry. These aren't like the ones we gave you during the drill. They're fully charged. VIRAK'KARA (to Omet'iklan) This weapon is set on stun. OMET'IKLAN (to his men) Deactivate safeties. Reset weapons to maximum power. The Jem'Hadar all comply. This makes the Federation troops more than a little tense. For all they know the Jem'Hadar could attack at any moment. WEYOUN (trying to lighten things up) Well, this is a momentous occasion. The first joint operation between the Dominion and the Federation. I can't wait to see how it turns out. SISKO Prepare for transport. OMET'IKLAN Wait. Omet'iklan turns to his men. For the Jem'Hadar, this is what passes for a religious ceremony.