DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/09/96 - ACT FOUR B40. 54B CLOSE ON ODO As he reacts to Weyoun's words. Though he doesn't necessarily trust the Vorta, he wants what he's hearing to be true. ODO Maybe they do. But I don't love them. WEYOUN (gently) You're lying. And you're not very good at it. I, on the other hand, am an expert on lies. Both in telling them, and in spotting them. So you may as well admit the truth. More than anything in your life, you want to return to your people. (a beat) And I can make it possible. ODO How? WEYOUN Let me worry about the "how." All I need to know is... Are you ready to go home? 54C ANGLE ON WEYOUN For the Vorta, this is an important moment. He knows that Odo's answer will have significant consequences, both in his life and in Odo's. ODO No. But I am ready to end this conversation. Weyoun looks at Odo for a beat, then gives him a good- natured clap on the shoulder. (In case anyone's interested, when he touches Odo, Weyoun is purposely infecting Odo with the disease that almost kills him in "BROKEN LINK.") WEYOUN Then it's over. After all, you're a Founder. I live to serve you. And with that, Weyoun steps back into his quarters.