DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT THREE 31. 44 CONTINUED: (2) OMET'IKLAN And for that, they will die. There's a beat, then Sisko looks at Weyoun. Weyoun says nothing. Sisko makes a decision. SISKO (to Omet'iklan) Mixed teams it is. Omet'iklan nods, gratified. SISKO But let's get one thing straight. This isn't going to be a suicide mission. As far as I'm concerned, everyone who goes in, comes back out. Starfleet and Jem'Hadar alike. OMET'IKLAN Your concern for life is touching. Let's hope it doesn't stop us from achieving our objectives. Sisko knows he could keep pressing, but he decides to be satisfied with the headway he's already made. SISKO (to com) Computer... reactivate turbolift. The Turbolift starts to move again. CUT TO: 45 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE The Defiant is still cloaked. Dax is at the helm. Virak'kara stands over her, watching her like a hawk. Finally, Dax has had enough.