DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT THREE 30. 44 CONTINUED: SISKO Deck Five, Section One. The Turbolift starts, moving down, then forward. Unlike Weyoun, Omet'iklan isn't in a conciliatory mood. OMET'IKLAN The only way my troops will come to respect your crew is to fight alongside them. That means mixed teams for every aspect of the mission. WEYOUN That's not practical. OMET'IKLAN Why not? WEYOUN (coldly) Are you questioning my decision? OMET'IKLAN You're a fool. My men and I know all about the Gateway. This is news to both Sisko and Weyoun. SISKO (to com) Halt turbolift. (to Weyoun) Looks like your secret's out. WEYOUN How do you know about the Gateway? OMET'IKLAN It doesn't matter how we know. The fact is, we know. (with contempt) You think you have to lie to us and use the White to ensure our loyalty. But the truth is we have more loyalty to the Founders than the Vorta ever will. It is the reason for our existence, the core of our being. WEYOUN There's an entire company of Jem'Hadar down on Vandros Four who would disagree with you.