DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT TWO 23. 25 CONTINUED: TOMAN'TORAX (Cont'd) And when that day comes, and piles of Klingons lie dead at my feet, I will think of you sitting here, impotent and weak, and I will laugh. Which still probably isn't enough to get a rise out of Worf in the face of Sisko's orders, but Toman'torax reaches out and knocks mockingly on Worf's forehead. With a growl, Worf takes Toman'torax's hand, and with his other hand, grabs the Jem'Hadar around the neck. Simultaneously Toman'torax grabs Worf's throat and the two warriors stare into each other's eyes and increase their grips, trying to strangle each other. 26 CLOSE ON SISKO Who moves forward and shoves his way between the two combatants. He tries to pry them apart. SISKO I said that's enough. (to Worf) Worf, let him go. Worf is reluctant to release his grip on Toman'torax while the Jem'Hadar still has him by the throat. 27 CLOSE ON OMET'IKLAN He steps forward, wraps his arm around Toman'torax's neck, and bears down. OMET'IKLAN (To Toman'torax) Second, release the Klingon or I'll kill you where you stand. Toman'torax reluctantly lets go of Worf's neck. Worf follows suit. Omet'iklan gives one savage jerk to Toman'torax's neck, then lets his man go. 28 NEW ANGLE As everyone reacts to this outburst of violence.