DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT ONE 10. 14 CONTINUED: (2) OMET'IKLAN Even without weapons, we're more than a match for you. He scans the crowd as if picking out targets and planning an attack. WORF I would not be so certain of that. One of the Jem'Hadar, SECOND TOMAN'TORAX, perks up when he spots Worf. TOMAN'TORAX (to Omet'iklan with approval) A Klingon. Another Jem'Hadar, FOURTH VIRAK'KARA, notices something of interest. VIRAK'KARA (pleased, re: Odo) And the traitor. The Founders will be pleased. For a second, it looks like the Jem'Hadar are about to attack. The Federation personnel take aim, but suddenly the Vorta takes control. WEYOUN (calm but authoritative) Omet'iklan, control your men. (smiling) These people saved our lives. OMET'IKLAN And we shall take advantage of their mistake. WEYOUN You'll do nothing without my approval. (to Sisko) My apologies, Captain. I'm afraid the Jem'Hadar are sadly deficient in the social graces. Sisko's got more important things on his mind than the Jem'Hadars' lack of gratitude.