DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT ONE 9. 12 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN You won't be reading them for long. Their reactor's about to go critical. There's a beat, then Sisko makes up his mind. He's instantly on the move. SISKO Chief, have a security detail report to the Transporter Bay. O'BRIEN Yes, sir. SISKO Odo, Worf, you're with me. Sisko EXITS, followed by Odo and Worf. 13 INT. DEFIANT - TRANSPORTER BAY Sisko arrives along with Worf, Odo and a half dozen Security officers. Everyone but Odo is carrying a phaser rifle. The Security Officers take up firing positions, kneeling in front of Sisko and the others like British infantry and taking dead aim on the Transporter pad. Sisko and Worf also aim their rifles. SISKO (to com) Sisko to Bridge. Drop cloak. The lights brighten. Sisko turns to the Transporter Chief. SISKO Transporter protocol five. Engage. The chief complies and... 14 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Six Jem'Hadar, led by FIRST OMET'IKLAN, and a single Vorta (WEYOUN) MATERIALIZE on the transporter pad. The Jem'Hadars' hands are empty but positioned as if they were carrying guns. (In fact we may see little sparklies linger where the guns were for a beat, then dissipate.) Weyoun is carrying a locked metal case.