45:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - TEASER 4. 8 CONTINUED: Bajoran firefighters rush down the hall. Medical personnel move in the opposite direction, extracting wounded from a damaged area. 9 NEW ANGLE On KIRA, who's directing the damage control operations despite being wounded herself. KIRA (to firefighter) Concentrate on the fires in Section Thirteen. We have to keep them away from the plasma conduits. A worried QUARK runs up. QUARK Has anyone seen my brother Rom? He told me he was going to be working in one of the Upper Pylons today. KIRA He's fine. I saw him with one of the damage control teams on Level Five. QUARK What a relief. (a beat) Wait till I find him. I'll kill him for scaring me like that. Quark EXITS. ODO emerges from the damaged area, carrying a PADD. ODO Here's a preliminary list of the stolen equipment. As Kira takes the list, Sisko, Dax and Bashir come rushing down the corridor. SISKO Report, Major. Bashir is already in action, beginning to triage the wounded. Everyone's talking at once. It's not important that we make out what everyone is saying. What is important is that we feel the frantic urgency that drives both conversations.