174:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Quickening" - 03/19/96 - ACT FOUR 43. 35A INT. RUNABOUT Bashir and Dax have beamed up to the runabout to talk with Kira. The mood between them is somber... Bashir is saying good-bye. KIRA Are you sure about this? BASHIR I can't leave these people... not now. Kira can see the depth of feeling in him, doesn't argue... KIRA Whenever you're ready, contact the station and we'll have a runabout here within days. Dax moves to him... DAX You know what really worries me, Julian... ? (off his look) That without me, you won't have anyone to translate for you... They share a smile... he moves toward the transporter pad, where some supplies are stacked in CONTAINERS. DAX (heartfelt) Good luck... 35B EXT. RUINED CITY - DAY (OPTICAL) as Bashir MATERIALIZES in the street, the supplies at his feet... Passersby see him, give wide berth to the doctor who brought so much suffering... off his resolve to do what he can for these people we... 36 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR