DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Quickening" - 03/19/96 - ACT THREE 32. 21 CONTINUED: The atmosphere is busy, upbeat... and hopeful. 22 ON BASHIR as he hands Ekoria a HYPO, takes one for himself. BASHIR All right, everyone gets three milligrams, including you. She nods, and with endearing concentration, twists the unit to parcel out a dose, then carefully administers the hypo to herself. BASHIR Perfect. She smiles and nods, and they part ways... 23 ON DAX as she tends to Epran, whose welts have gone to a deep red. He seems to be in some pain. She puts a NEURAL PAD on Epran's forehead and activates it. Once it starts to BLINK he visibly relaxes. DAX There... this'll dull the pain. He nods, regards her for a beat. EPRAN I like your spots. DAX You told me that yesterday. EPRAN (shrugs) I still like them. She moves off with a smile... meets up with Bashir. DAX Epran has stopped responding to the cordrazine... I had to put him in an inhibitor field.