DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Quickening" - 03/1-9/96 - ACT THREE 31. 20 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR With any luck, you'll see him have children of his own... A moment between them, then the SOUND of approaching footsteps. A beat later the curtains part and Dax appears. DAX There are some people here who want to see you... She pulls back the curtain and reveals Epran standing there with two other symptomatic (red welted) people. He studies Bashir and his equipment with his typically skeptical manner. EPRAN I suppose you're going to want to bleed me? Bashir smiles slightly when he realizes Epran has come to volunteer. BASHIR Just a little. Epran sits heavily, offers his arm. EPRAN (glum) I canceled my death for you... I was really looking forward to it. Off this moment we... DISSOLVE TO: 21 INT. TENEMENT HOUSE - DAYS LATER - DUSK Most of the curtains and partitions that once divided the room have been pulled aside -- the former inhabitants have sacrificed their rooms to make space for Bashir's expanding clinic. Twenty-fourth century medical scanners, diagnostic readouts, and other equipment stand alongside primitive makeshift beds. There should be plenty of BLINKIES and LIT PANELS to indicate power is in use. In addition to Epran and the other two people we saw in the previous scene, there are about ten other patients in various stages of the Blight (all with red welts).