181:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Quickening" - 03/19/96 - ACT TWO 27. 19 CONTINUED: (2) EPRAN What will you do? See how loud we scream as the Blight burns through us? This brings appreciative laughs from the gathering crowd. BASHIR I have medicines that dull pain; I have equipment unlike anything on your world. He surveys the crowd, spots a young boy with his arm in a sling. BASHIR How'd you like me to fix that arm so you can go play with your friends? The boy hesitates... Bashir moves to him, gently removes his sling. BASHIR I'm not going to hurt you... He takes out his tricorder, scans the bone. BASHIR You've got a fracture right here. I'll bet it hurts. The boy nods... Bashir passes a DEVICE over his arm, bathing it in a warm GLOW... BASHIR How's it feel now? The boy flexes his arm... a look of utter astonishment crosses his features -- he's fine. He scampers off, happy as can be. A hush of awe comes over the crowd... EPRAN (amazed) It isn't possible... EKORIA It is. You saw it. He can find a cure for us. But he needs our help. Epran seems ready to consider it, but then Trevean steps out of the crowd... TREVEAN Fixing a broken bone and curing the Blight are two different things.