DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Quickening" - 03/19/96 - ACT TWO 22. 17 CONTINUED: (2) DAX Well... looks like we have ourselves a clinic. Bashir turns to Ekoria... BASHIR The first thing I need to do is run a complete biospectral analysis on an asymptomatic individual. Dax smiles at his Doctorese, translates for Ekoria. DAX Loosely translated, that means he needs a volunteer. Ekoria smiles and nods she's willing. DAX Great. (wry) If you'll just have a seat, the doctor will be with you in a moment. Ekoria doesn't get it, looks confused. DAX (conspiratorial) They love to keep you waiting, it makes them feel important. Ekoria smiles, and Bashir beckons her over to the table. BASHIR (picking up his tricorder) How'd you like to see a picture of your baby? She is stunned by the possibility... off the hopeful image of Bashir beginning to scan we... DISSOLVE TO: 18 INT. TENEMENT HOUSE - LATER where Bashir is hunched over some tabletop instrument studying a readout. Dax is preparing tissue samples for him, using a high-tech dropper to add small quantities of chemicals to a rack of tubes.