156:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Quickening" - 03/19/96 - ACT ONE 14. 14 CONTINUED: (7) Suddenly we hear a clattering SOUND. Our people turn and see that the man who toasted Trevean has dropped his goblet onto his plate. He's propped up against a cushion, his body TREMBLING, as if he's having some kind of mild seizure. Strangely, no one is moving to help him. Instead, all watch him with almost wistful expressions. Bashir makes to start toward him, but Trevean tries to grab his arm and stop him. TREVEAN Don't -- Bashir breaks away and hurries toward the table. BASHIR (to the guests) Give him some room... The people at the table react to Bashir's approach with confusion, as if they have no idea why he's interfering. Trevean motions to the Attendants to deal with Bashir. As Bashir tries to examine the man, the people near him try to push him away. BASHIR I'm a doctor. Ekoria reacts to the word... suddenly the Attendants are on Bashir, pulling him away. ATTENDANT (to Bashir) Leave him alone, you're ruining everything. BASHIR Can't you see he's dying? They pull him back to Trevean, who's moved closer to the table. TREVEAN (calmly) Of course he is. He came here to die. Trevean sees our people's confused looks.