12:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Quickening" - 03/19/96 - ACT ONE 8. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 13 EXT. RUINED CITY - DAY Norva is still in a great deal of pain; Bashir scans her with his MEDICAL TRICORDER to find out why. In the background, some of the inhabitants watch our people with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. Dax returns, and oddly her hair is down, no longer pinned by a barrette. BASHIR The painkiller I gave her isn't having much effect. (giving her another hypo) These people's neurophysiology is so different from ours, I doubt this "blight" is any danger to us. Dax nods an acknowledgment. DAX (gesturing) I got us transportation to the hospital. Bashir looks over and sees a WOMAN approaching them, pushing a CART. She looks older than her forty years, beaten down by circumstance. BASHIR (sotto) How'd you manage that? These aren't the friendliest people I've ever met. As if in reply, Dax tosses her head to show her hair is unbound. Bashir looks, and the Woman has her scraggly hair partially kept by Dax's barrette. The Woman flashes a craggy grin, pleased with the trade and how she looks. Off this moment...