DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Quickening" - 03/19/96 - TEASER 6. 11 EXT. PLANET'S SURFACE - DAY (OPTICAL) Bashir and Dax MATERIALIZE on the surface... Both have PHASERS and TRICORDERS at their sides and he has his MEDKIT. They find themselves standing near a concrete outcropping. KIRA'S COM VOICE Let's stay in close contact. If the Jem'Hadar come this way, we're going to have to get out of here fast. BASHIR Acknowledged. They move around the outcropping to see... 12 EXT. RUINED CITY - DAY (OPTICAL/MATTE) What might have once been a bustling modern city street. The few structures still standing are gutted, blackened and scorched by fire. Shanties and other makeshift structures are propped against them. The inhabitants of the planet, dressed in tattered rags, can be seen milling about. They look human, but they all have BLUE, vein-like WELTS on their faces. Some sit listlessly, with nothing to do. others are carrying water in makeshift containers, lugging firewood, tending fires burning in rusted-out cylindrical containers. A few push wheelbarrow like carts in front of them -- produce vendors, willing to barter their paltry merchandise. There is no sign of power being generated anywhere, and the inhabitants use the now useless artifacts from their once-industrial civilization for other purposes -- what might have once been an alien refrigerator, for example, might now serve as part of someone's home. A MAN passes by pulling a CART with three dead BODIES on it, partially covered by a tarp. Our people react to the scene of devastation before them...