DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT FIVE 51. 41 CONTINUED: SISKO Our priority is to get back to the station, Constable. Captain Yates... is my responsibility and I'll thank you to leave it at that. ODO As you wish. Odo moves off and Sisko glares at the viewscreen. CUT TO: 42 EXT. SPACE - VULCAN FREIGHTER (OPTICAL) A Vulcan ship is docked at one of the pylons. 43 INT. CORRIDOR/AIRLOCK Several armed N.D. Starfleet Security officers are guarding the approaches to the Corridor, while Reese reports to Eddington at the Airlock. REESE All the replicators have been secured in the ship's hold, sir. EDDINGTON Very good. We'll be departing in five minutes and I'm leaving you in command until Captain Sisko returns. REESE Me, sir? EDDINGTON You have a problem with that, Lieutenant? REESE No, sir. It's just that... it's unusual for a junior officer to be left in-- EDDINGTON If you're not up to the job, I'll find someone who is. The safety of this station may depend on you and I need to know if you can handle it.