80:[1,#b],116:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 ACT FOUR 45. 34 CONTINUED: WORF Perhaps. But it is also possible that her cargo is so valuable to the Maquis that she'll wait as long as it takes to make the delivery. ODO I think she's already made her delivery. (to Sisko) And you were the cargo. Think about it. If anyone besides Kasidy Yates was on the Xhosa, would you be commanding this mission yourself? SISKO You're saying someone wanted me here. Why? ODO I'm not sure. But, one thing's for certain -- we're not going to find the answers sitting here staring at the viewscreen. SISKO (re: Xhosa) You're right. The answers are over there. (to Odo) Let's go. Mister Worf, you have the Bridge. Sisko and Odo EXIT together. CUT TO: 35 INT. XHOSA - BRIDGE This is the twenty-fourth century equivalent of a tramp steamer. The Bridge is laid out in a rectangular design rather than the circular pattern preferred by Starfleet. The rectangle runs fore and aft, with the forward end dominated by a viewscreen and the aft by a doorway. The helm control is in the center of the room and the other consoles line the two opposing walls and are usually unmanned. This is definitely a "working" ship with no frills. This is also an older vessel and should not have the clean, freshly scrubbed feeling of a Starfleet bridge.