38:[1,#b],133:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT TWO 19. 15 CONTINUED: SISKO (to Kasidy) Stand by. He taps a control and Kasidy's face is replaced with a station graphic. Sisko turns and we reveal Eddington standing just out of view from the monitor. SISKO Isn't there any way they can make it a shorter inspection? EDDINGTON Not if they're going to search for contraband while they make it look like a health inspection. They need time to look for camouflage fields, false cargo manifests, computer records... SISKO We probably shouldn't bother at this point. If Kasidy's in a hurry, she's going to be standing over their shoulders the whole time. They won't be able to do much of a search. EDDINGTON Captain, I strongly recommend that we at least try. Sisko thinks about it for a moment, then activates the monitor and Kasidy's face APPEARS. SISKO You're cleared to leave the station. Just be sure to irradiate that cargo. Kasidy beams with relief. KASIDY Thanks, Ben. I owe you one. See you tomorrow. Sisko smiles in return and then SHUTS OFF the monitor. SISKO Do you have something to say, Commander?